Acu - Yoga is a system of exercise that integrates the knowledge of two ancient holistic methods of health maintenance. Acupressure and Yoga increased effectiveness results from combining these two complementary practices of self treatment.
Both systems relax muscular tension and balance the vital forces of the body. Yoga does this through controlling the breath while holding the body incertain postures. Acu-Pressure does this by directly manipulating body energy through a system of points and meridians. The pathways that the cital energy flows through are the meridians and the points are the places where you can tap into that energy.
In Yogic terms that vital life force or energy is called prana. Acupressure uses the chinese name called Q1 (chi) or the Japanese term K1. The energy that is released in Acu-yoga flows through the meridians, nourishing all the internal organs and all the systems of body. This energy is the source of all life and its flow is the key to radiant health. It functions to regulate and balance the respiratory digestive / endocrine / vascular / Lymphatic / Urogenital and nervous system. It also balance effectively create a feeling of well-being by doing the exercise and becoming aware of this subtle and powerful energy. You can take responsibility for your health and improve your condition on all levels. For when our energy is circulating properly we feel alive / healthy / happy / and in peace and harmony with ourselves.