For centuries humans have looked to the heavens for guidance. Astrology is put simply the study of the correlation between the astronomical positions of the planets and events on earth. Astrologers believe that the positions of the Sun / Moon / and planets at the time of a persons birth have a direct influence on that persons character. These positions are thought to affect a persons destiny although many Astrologers feel that free will plays a large role in any individuals life.
We at Cafe Astrology feel that Astrology can be used as a powerful and fun tool for understanding ourselves others and the world around us. We use many different tools or languages to define and understand our world. For example we can use psychological tools and terminology to explore human behavior. Similarly Astrology gives us rich tools for understanding our observations with others.
While we can use the natal chart (also called a birth chart or horoscope) as a "window" into any individual or event we should never use it to pass judgment or to label people. Neither should we use it as an excuse for our behavior! We can never purport to know absolutely everything about someone just because we have their natal chart before us. It is a good idea to approach Astrology as an imperfect language. Even if it were perfect we are not so our interpretations can never be considered anywhere close to perfect. It follows to be wary of anyone claiming to be an Astrologer who also alleges to know all or makes dire predictions. This kind of practice is not only irresponsible and misleading it can affect the lives of those who believe them in adverse ways.