
Concepts and practices of yoga originated in India several thousand years ago. It founders were great saints and sages. The science of yoga and its techniques have now been reoriented to suit modern sociological needs and lifestyle. Medical science are realizing the rote of these techniques in the prevent disease  mitigation and case of disease and promotion of health.

Yoga is one among the six systems of Indian philosophy. Maharishi pat Anjali  rightly called the father of  Yoga compiled and refined various aspects of Yoga systematically in his "yoga sutras"(aphorisms). He advocated the eight fold path of yoga popularly known as. Ashtanga yoga for all-round development of human personality they are Yama - niyama - asana - pranayama - pratyahara dharana - dhyana and Samadhi.  The practice of yoga prevents psychosomatic disorders/diseases and improves an individuals resistance and ability to endure stressful situations.

 Yoga is a discipline to improve or develop ones inherent power in a balanced manner. It means to reach complete self-realization Yoga can be defined as a means for uniting the individual spirit with the universal spirit of God according to maharishi pat Anjali yoga is to gain control over modifications as the mind.

Features of yoga and types of yoga - 

1. Yoga a universal practical discipline.

2. Yoga as evolutionary process.

3. Yoga as soul therapy.

4. Japa yoga

5. Karma yoga    

6. Jnana yoga

7. Bhakti yoga

