
The therapy as Acupuncture is to stimulate certain points on the human body with metallic needles and moxa, activating the meridians and collaterals and regulating the functions of internal organs and blood as to prevent and treat diseases. This therapy is as high values in the treatment of some difficult and complicated case considered quite hope less by Western medicine. It is welcome by people in different parts of the world for its unparable safely  Low cost lack of side effects and simple requirements.

The theory of yin-yang (Ardhanarishwar of Hinduism depicts this principle perfectly) the five elements (fire - Earth - metal -  wood and water) and (universal life force/P Rena) form the conceptual framework of acupuncture) the human body has 12 regular meridians with several acupoints that facilitate uninterrupted flow as QI through them. These meridians form a complex network and are distributer both interiorly (connected with the. Internal organs) and exteriorly across the body.

According to TCM the major disease causative factors are spirit imbalance and emotional disturbances in addition to external pathogens climatic conditions  improper habits and lifestyle  Acupuncture is widely practiced across the world not only by TCM professionals, but also by all pathys doctors with acupuncture training. Following the visit as US president Nixon in the late 60"s to china the greatness of Acupuncture received global acceptance. Nations such as US - UK -  Canada - Australia - Malaysia -  Singapore and Sri Lanka have already incorporated acupuncture to be an integral part as their health case India  Ministry of Health and family welfare (research desk) has recognized practice of Acupuncture vide letter NO R14015/25/96 V S H (R) (PT).

Moxibustion - A specially prepared dried muguort (Artemisia vulgaris) is used to warm tissues and dispel cold.

 Cupping -  A jar is attached to the skin surface through negative pressure to improve energy flow.

 Electro Stimulation -  Mild electrical recharge is used to tonify selective acupoints.

 CIYUAN NEEDLE (Magnetic hammer) to disperse stagnation of life force. Useful in musculoskeletal disorders.

